6 facts about legal translation

6 facts about legal translation

While legal translations are one of the oldest and most essential translations globally, legal translations in both translation and studies have been ignored for a long time. In reality, translation theorist is not treated as a separate field and is considered a branch of translation research sometimes bogged down for its supposed inferiority as one of the many subject areas specialized in translation.

Legal translations may have legal consequences that can also contribute to peace or war. The literature on legal translation is meager compared to the massive quantity of legal translations provided each day. Because of the significance attached to the law letter, most articles focus on vocabulary issues while textual and pragmatic aspects tend to be overlooked. Traditionally translation was treated as an interlinguas translation method.

Contrary to poem translation and literature, legal translation often covers government documents, such as contracts, patents, legal communications, commercial dealings, courts, lawsuits, registration papers, and investment arrangements, which deal with specific laws. Since these translations take time and require specialist skills, a licensed interpreter with legal translation expertise is often approached. Before requesting the translation, you should need to contact your legal counsel to comply with the regulations on corporate data protection.

facts about legal translation:

  • What Is Legal Translation?

Though the translation is more complicated than people expect, legal translation is far more complex than translating sentences. Legal translation is available in various documents such as testaments, case documents, financial documents, transcripts, patents, and court decisions.

The legal translation shall be applied. Legal translators should have the expertise of the subject. To prevent improper localization, they must provide a thoroughness of the laws both in sources and in target languages.

  • Legal translations are not words to words:

It is nearly difficult to translate word for word. When legal translators traduce the target country text, they need to be mindful of the cultural nuances and how it operates, and what legal language law professionals use.

This makes them interpret the text better and helps them understand the viewpoint. Legal translators may provide accurate legal documentation with a thorough understanding of the nation’s legal structure in question.

  • Legal translation differs from most translation forms:

Legal records have a distinct and unique collection of words rather than most categories of business documents. Legal translators must be able to translate ideas into the target language correctly.

You can’t avoid just substituting sentences. Legal texts also have many definitions behind the choice of a given phrase. A legal text may also become invalid by misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Owing to a minor error, there will be costly complications. Legalese with a particular terminology is complicated. In addition, you can see how complex legal translation is to add to these cultural and regional variations in the target language or territory.

  • Solid legal knowledge is fundamental:

Legal terminology is very complicated and hard to comprehend. Any legal words, for example, mean something entirely different in a daily setting. In your target language, the same term applies in your host language to something else.

A translator must have a broad understanding of and work in diverse contexts of legal terminology. Consulting companies that specialize in legal translation are best to guarantee the impeccability of your documents. Contact us if you are searching for facilities for legal translation in Thailand. Reserve today for an appointment!

  • Referral Material for Legal Translators:

For their work, legal translators use different reference materials, including legal codes and rules, modifications, legal consultation papers, and more. Law translators rely extensively on the penal, civil and commercial code of the target nation. These codes include the legal principles in a specific language that is essential. The reference material helps the interpreter to ensure that the correct nuanced term is often used in lawsuits.


  • Legal translators need to be informed:

Typically, translators use a variety of bilingual dictionaries when translating some text. The same goes for the legitimate interpreter. But even a bilingual dictionary will fail in several instances. For a specific word, dictionaries cannot be accurately translated, or the translation is maybe not equal. In these circumstances, the legitimate translator’s expertise supports him. For this reason, a legal interpreter must be aware of both the host and target country’s fine distinctions in the legal system.

Emtyiaz Company’s essential legal translation facilities

Emtyiaz for Certified Translation provides 100% legitimate, accurate, and highly trained translators. The translation is quick and straightforward, and distribution is available 24-hour, wherever, translation, licenses, credits, and the right to use them all over.  Before it is sent to the consumer, our translation is authorized. In our business, translators must be well aware of the subject and are aware of the formulas, initials, and acronyms developed in the past.

When translating from a source to a target language, we consider various syntaxes, phrases, and topic agreements in other languages and pay attention to syntactic differences, the etymology of words, and vocabulary phraseology. We still have a mother tongue to prove it. In addition, we have the management and transformation team, and our customer care team is open 24 hours a day, providing a high-level science translation service for quickly and professionally handling your inquiries.

Finally, you have privileges from the company:

  • High-quality assurance: Quality assurance can be complex when working with many freelancers; our company enjoys central quality assurance, provides explicit references, there’s another good way to ensure high-quality confidence, and you have a professional language correction that screens or edits the script beforehand.
  • Harmonizing and precision of translation: the organization also provides you with and develops a localization memory for your firm.
  • Time and effort: Our organization coordinates and cares for language checks, editing, and publishing, as well as translations.

The legal translation includes official records such as treaties, patents, legal communications, business transactions, trials, legal proceedings, incorporation papers, and investments in relevant legislation.

Since these translations take time and require specialized qualifications, a qualified translator is frequently approached with legal translation experience. You can contact the legal counsel before you seek the translation to comply with corporate data privacy regulations.

Legal translators must be able to translate ideas into the target language correctly. You can’t avoid just substituting sentences. Legal texts also have many definitions behind the choice of a given phrase. Legal translators may provide accurate legal documentation with a thorough understanding of the nation’s legal structure in question. A translator must have a broad understanding of and work in diverse contexts of legal terminology.

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Why is Translation Important in Today’s World?

Why is Translation Important in Today’s World?

Translation plays an important role and makes a difference in forming relationships, disseminating knowledge and transmitting information around the world. Today, we are living in a globalized world where many countries and cultures are linked, whether through economic or political partnerships or merely through cultural exchanges. There are, however, obstacles that can also make these partnerships complicated. These differences are often structural, since these interactions are mostly formed between countries and people who do not speak the same language, thereby making contact more difficult.

Nothing more needs to be said than to note the obvious fact that a Multiplicity of languages obstruct cultural interchange Earth’s cultures and is a significant disincentive of universal communication. The present Memorandum, assuming this point is true and relevant, contains some comments and suggestions. On the probability of at least anything leading to the solution. Global translation challenge with the use of high-capacity, versatility and speed electronic computers. This memorandum ‘s recommendations are likely to be insufficient and Naïve, and could be clearly incompetent for a professional in the field. Surely the speaker isn’t.

Translation has its own excitation, its own purpose. A good translation is still conceivable but it never completes a good translator. It normally can be new. No such thing as a perfect, perfect or ^correct version, a translator still tries to expand his experience and develop his methods of doing it. Expression; he still observes the truth, the terms.

He has four layers of work: translation

Firstly, it is a science that requires knowledge and testing of the evidence and Language explaining them- here, what’s wrong, the errors of fact, can be identified;

Second, it is a talent involving suitable language and appropriate use;

Thirdly, an art that separates good from mediocre writing and is the standard of translation imaginative, insightful, often inspired;

lastly, a matter of choice, where claims cease, desires are articulated, and the range of meritorious translations represents individual distinctions.

Translation is used as a medium of correspondence for multilingual announcements, which have gradually become widely evident in public places; for directions given by exporting companies; for visitor advertisements, where it is so frequently created by natives as a matter of national pride by the local into the ‘international’ language; for official papers, such as treaties and contracts; for repo. For each branch of knowledge, textbooks convey facts, advice, and recommendations. Its scale has grown with the rise in the mass media, the growth in the number of independent countries and the awareness of linguistic significance.

Translation has been instrumental in transmitting culture. Since countries and languages have been in communication with each other, translation has been influential in communicating information, even under unjust circumstances that are responsible for skewed and biased translations. Thus, Greek civilization was pillaged by the Romans; Arabic and Greek literacy was brought to Europe by the Toledo School; and European culture relied heavily on Latin and Greek translations until the 19th century. In the 19th century German culture engulfed Shakespeare, a centrifugal world literature has arisen in this century, consisting of the work of a limited number of ‘foreign’ authors (Greene, Bellow, Solzhenitsyn, Boll, Lawn, Moravia, Murdoch, Lessing, amount).

Why is Translation Important in Today’s World?

Translation is important in a world of over 7000 spoken languages, because it allows people to communicate and understand each other’s thoughts and cultures without having to learn a second language. We also seem to understand and communicate ourselves better in our native language and though people speak more than one language. However, the importance of translation in today’s world goes way beyond that.

According to Ethnologue, if you count all native and non-native speakers with over 1.1 billion speakers, 379 million of them are local, English is the most spoken language in the world. English is also the language with a more dominant presence in our day-to-day lives, be it on the television, on the Internet, among others. Therefore, we often forget that not everybody can really speak or even understand English.

A survey commissioned by the European Commission in 2012 found that about a quarter of the European population could comprehend an English news article. In addition, to truly comprehend the meaning in a language, it is not necessary for you to learn it orally and in written form or to know its grammatical laws. It is also important to consider the cultural factors inherent in the culture of that language, such as its traditions and beliefs. And the task of the translator is to translate all these linguistic and cultural peculiarities into the language and culture of the target. Ultimately, the key purpose is to ensure everybody respects the original material and retains its meaning.


It is well known that tourism accounts for a significant part of a country’s revenue. Portugal, for instance, is the destination of choice for thousands of visitors each year. And of all these visitors, of course, almost none of them can express themselves in Portuguese, or even understand the language. Translation is therefore important for this industry’s growth and development, whether it’s through tourism guides or articles that inspire people to visit the country, such as brochures, web pages, promotional videos, or others.

Translation is a significant and important advantage in the tourism industry, as it helps visitors feel comfortable, as well as contributing to a country’s prestige and boosting as a destination of choice, tourist friendly, which contributes to increased revenue.


Physical distance is becoming a smaller concern when it comes to establishing political, commercial or governmental relationships because of the increasing globalization and technological advances. The world today is dominated by the exponential increase in foreign-country relations, as these bring countless advantages:

-Cost of products and their manufacturing decreased.

-Using professional competencies that may not be so developed in our country.

-Increased number of markets in which to invest.

Nonetheless, there is a linguistic barrier in most cases, the countries are not talking the same language.

It is therefore vital that each nation maintains outstanding translation and interpretation services provided by experienced and trained professionals, because one minor error may result in the total breakdown of extremely critical relationships. Furthermore, we are starting to see the rise of other economies, outside the English language sphere, such as the Chinese market, which has expanded exponentially over the past few years, leading to the development of native translators.


Today, the bulk of the media we ingest, whether it’s literature, film, music or television, comes from English speaking nations. Since much of it is not actually in our native tongue, professional and trained translators must be in position to translate and/or subtitle all of our favorite books, movies and TV shows. People also take that for granted, realizing that most will have to confine themselves to their own culture without translation. Oh, don’t get me wrong, that’s surely not a bad thing. Any country has amazing cultural heritage. But we’d be very confined and couldn’t get to know other interesting cultures and experiences.

Often, translation is highly important when it comes to the distribution of knowledge. Thanks to translation, we are finding news in our language that happen every day in the globe, that are introduced to us through many ways. Without language, we ‘d live in a bubble, locked on our own little planet that would be a tragedy in my view. We ‘d live as naive beings, with no idea about the world we live in, the positive and the poor.

What separates us from the remains is our capacity to cognize. Yeah, if there’s no worldwide knowledge exchange, what is left of us? Though not because of it. For the present days translation is not only necessary. It’s also important that we consider humanity’s history and evolution. We may explore the past, live in the moment and dream of the future, thanks to translation. If someone ever tells you that translating is not so necessary, simply remind them that the Bible has been translated into more than 600 languages, which is possibly one of the reasons that makes it the best-selling book of all time.

Rock, literature, films, and various other types of art cross global borders because of the way they are interpreted successfully to represent local languages and feelings. Today, translated and subtitled films produce more money than ever for the global film industry, with blockbuster films seeing China as the next major market, where the popularity of translated films has driven production houses to more often than ever hit the $1bn mark. And as translated music and literature helps musicians to receive more royalties and worldwide recognition as an added bonus, it’s not just the film industry that has benefited from translation.

Translation-Opening Access to Global Village in Business

If you wish to bring your products / services into a different part of the world or be recognized as a worthy partner in a largely traditional commercial culture, translation will help you gain popularity that cannot be achieved except by the best marketing campaigns.

If your global expansion ambitions are endless, you need a business provider such as Outsource2india who will provide you with the translation services who suit your requirements. For a quotation with zero responsibilities email us immediately!

Translation is Important Because Not Everyone Speaks English

Certainly English is the language most widely used. But that doesn’t mean that you should forget all the people who don’t speak! And England is home to large global- and minority-speaking minorities.

And just because a person can speak some English, that doesn’t mean that they can speak it well enough to cope in any situation. For example, a European Commission survey in 2012 showed that only a quarter of Europeans have been able to understand English well enough to watch an English-language news broadcast. One thing about having a straightforward discussion. Another facile and efficient correspondence.

The influence of local culture and language remains as high as ever, considering the fact that English has a vast and wide scope nowadays. With the advancement of Internet and communications technologies, targeting people thousands of miles away is increasingly simpler, simply on the basis of successful translation. This in turn culminated in the need for translation in a number of fields such as education, mass media, science and technology, literature, travel, religion, industry, and industry, etc.

Emerging Markets Mean Emerging Languages

English may now be on top of the planet, but that doesn’t guarantee it’s going to stay that way forever. Other languages are becoming increasingly important as developed countries take their place in the world economy, and more of their residents gain access to the Internet. For starters, much of the web content worldwide used to be in English. This is not the case anymore. And note, in general, even people who use English as a second language enjoy reading, watching and shopping in their first language.

Would you like to know the languages matter the most now? Check out our opinion of the most popular languages in the world.

What about the future, then? To read, check out our list of top languages. It highlights the English languages.


We live in a world where foreign affairs are becoming increasingly relevant, and where we ingest content and entertainment from around the globe. We are experiencing a global village being developed, where everyone exchanges thoughts, behaviors and cultures. Escape from this globalization is practically impossible. Thankfully we have to acknowledge that this is here to remain. Having said that, we have to adapt to it and enjoy it as much as possible.

Translation is indispensable. It dismantles boundaries and walls. Thanks to it, we are living in a highly informed world, with access to knowledge of all sorts. All in all, translation is an accepted requirement. Worldwide there are more than 7000 languages. It’s real that English is the world’s most common tongue, but you’re deluded if you believe Babel’s Tower will soon collapse.

Translation from Arabic to English

Translation from Arabic to English

Translation from Arabic to English

The translation is a bridge of appreciation and understanding between people of different languages than the interpretation of the meaning of the text and the production in one language of the new, equivalent text, or replacement of words in one language by words in another or the interpretation of the meaning of texts in one language or anything else in another. In the general sense, a translation aims to build bridges among different groups of persons, but the theoretical goal of translation is to build an equivalent relationship between the source and the target language.

Why translation is important between Arabic and English

Do we sometimes wonder why translation is important from Arabic to English? Both Arabic and English speak great languages in the world. In his book “The Spread of English,” on page 77 the writer read: “Today’s great languages are languages of the empire, past and present. Only two, Chinese Mandarin and Russian, remain administrative in one and only ethnolinguistic state.

Translation from Arabic to English

English-Arabic translation importance

Therefore, English-Arabic translation has been and is still important, the causes are only different in the past and the present. It is well known nowadays that English translation in Arabic is becoming an increasingly important topic today. This is also supported by the importance of oil, the strategic location, the history of the Islamic and other civilizations in the Arab world, and the current developments in the Middle East, and the desire of Western Europe to possess petroleum and dominate the region in the West.

The value of the Translation from Arabic to English, mainly by means of the translation into Arabic of the two words English; because English is filled with languages, English natives use a lot of language and expressions in their daily conversations, books, newspapers, magazines, Internet TV shows, as idioms add color to languages, while idioms are difficult to understand become at the same time. This presents a major challenge for English-Arabic translators.

الوسم: arabic to arabic translation